Richfield Office
Alicia Beckstead
Director of Nursing
435-896-5451 ext 322 Fax: 435-896-4353
Alyson Anderson
Community Health Technician/ Accounting Clerk
435-896-5451 ext 319 Fax: 435-896-4353
Angie Knaphus
HR Manager & PIO
435-896-5451 ext 320 Fax: 435-896-4353
Brooklyn Gonzales
EH/ Lab Technician
435-896-5451 ext 311 Fax: 435-896-4353
Dana Anderson
Early Intervention Specialist
435-896-5451 ext 306 Fax: 435-896-4353
Emily Loftus
Management Services Director
435-896-5451 ext 347 Fax: 435-896-4353
Eric Larsen
Director of Environmental Health & Emergency Services
435-896-5451 ext 315 Fax: 435-896-4353
Heidi Pearson
Health Educator II
435-896-5451 ext 349 Fax: 435-896-4353
Jaime Tubbs
Community Health Technician
435-896-5451 ext 303 Fax: 435-896-4353
JanaLee Selin
Community Health Technician
435-896-5451 Fax: 435-896-4353
Jason Bagley
Environmental Health Scientist
435-896-5451 ext 331 Fax: 435-896-4353
Jori Kloosterman
Health Educator I
435-896-5451 ext 341 Fax: 435-896-4353
Karen Lewis
Accounting Clerk III
435-896-5451 ext 312 Fax: 435-896-4353
Kendra Torgersen
Children with Special Health Care Needs Coordinator
Laura Gentry
Communicative Disorders Specialist
435-896-5451 ext 345 Fax: 435-896-4353
Monica Hernandez
Community Health Strategist
435-896-5451 ext 330 Fax: 435-896-4353
Nathan Selin
Executive Director/Health Officer
435-896-5451 ext 342 Fax: 435-896-4353
Racquel Goodwin
Community Health Technician
435-896-5451 ext 310 Fax: 435-896-4353
Stephanie Goble
Community Health Technician
435-896-5451 ext 344 Fax: 435-896-4353
Trevor Carter
Community Health Director
435-896-5451 ext 329 Fax: 435-896-4353
Director of Nursing
Alicia Beckstead
435-896-5451 ext 322 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451 ext. 322
Community Health Technician/ Accounting Clerk
Alyson Anderson
435-896-5451 ext 319 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext 319
HR Manager & PIO
Angie Knaphus
435-896-5451 ext 320 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext. 320
EH/ Lab Technician
Brooklyn Gonzales
435-896-5451 ext 311 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435)896-5451 ext 311
Early Intervention Specialist
Dana Anderson
435-896-5451 ext 306 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext. 306
Immunization Coordiator
Dawna Arnold
- 435-896-5451 ext 324
- 70 Westview Drive, Richfield
Management Services Director
Emily Loftus
435-896-5451 ext 347 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext 347
Director of Environmental Health & Emergency Services
Eric Larsen
435-896-5451 ext 315 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451 ext. 315
Health Educator II
Heidi Pearson
435-896-5451 ext 349 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext. 349
Community Health Technician
Jaime Tubbs
435-896-5451 ext 303 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451 ext. 303
Community Health Technician
JanaLee Selin
435-896-5451 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451
Environmental Health Scientist
Jason Bagley
435-896-5451 ext 331 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435)896-5451 ext. 331
Emergency Preparedness Planner
Jenifer Lamb
- 435-896-5451 ext 340
- 70 Westview Drive Richfield, UT 84701
Health Educator I
Jori Kloosterman
435-896-5451 ext 341 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435)896-5451 ext. 341
Accounting Clerk III
Karen Lewis
435-896-5451 ext 312 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451 ext. 312
Children with Special Health Care Needs Coordinator
Kendra Torgersen
- 4335-896-5451 ext 316
- 70 Westview Drive, Richfield
Communicative Disorders Specialist
Laura Gentry
435-896-5451 ext 345 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext 345
Early Intervention Program Supervisor
Linsy Good
- 435-896-5451 ext 348
- 70 Westview Drive Richfield, UT 84701
ELC Coordinator
Louise Saw
435-896-5451 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451
Community Health Strategist
Monica Hernandez
435-896-5451 ext 330 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435)896-5451 ext. 330
Executive Director/Health Officer
Nathan Selin
435-896-5451 ext 342 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext 342
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Rachel Barney
- 435-896-5451 ext 317
- 70 Westview Drive Richfield, UT 84701
Community Health Technician
Racquel Goodwin
435-896-5451 ext 310 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435)896-5451 ext. 310
Early Intervention Specialist
Shelby Chappell
- 435-896-5451 ext 321
- 70 Westview Drive Richfield, UT 84701
Community Health Technician
Stephanie Goble
435-896-5451 ext 344 Fax: 435-896-4353
- (435) 896-5451 ext. 344
Community Health Director
Trevor Carter
435-896-5451 ext 329 Fax: 435-896-4353
- 435-896-5451 ext 329
70 Westview Dr. Richfield, Utah
(435) 896-5451
see form below