Vaccine-preventable disease has declined by over 99% since the introduction of vaccines. Outbreaks can occur when vaccination levels decrease. The Utah Immunization Program recognizes and supports the importance of immunizations as part of a well-balanced healthcare approach for ALL ages.
The mission of the Utah Department of Health Immunization Program is to improve the health of Utah's citizens through vaccinations to reduce illness, disability, and death from vaccine-preventable infections.
For immunization appointments, remember to bring:
Immunization Records for everyone receiving immunizations.
Proof of insurance or payment if uninsured. We accept cash, check, credit or debit card. Visa, Discover, Mastercard. We DO NOT accept American Express.
A convenience fee of 2.5% or minimum $1.50 will be charged on all debit and credit card transactions.

The Utah Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program provides vaccines to children who are: not insured, on Medicaid, Native American or Alaskan Native, or whose insurance doesn't cover immunizations. These vaccines are available at no cost or low-cost or eligible children.
Additional Links
Immunization Schedules

Immunization Schedules
Immunization Exemptions
CUPHD Immunizations Available
Travel Vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
Central Utah Health Department Clinics
Click on your local CUHD office to schedule an appointment. If you need help, please call your local CUHD office.
STI Testing and Treatment
STD Testing & Treatment
- Services
- Confidential testing, counseling & education
- Screening for gonorrhea, chlamydia, Hepatitis C & HIV
- Treatment for syphilis, gonorrhea, & chlamydia
- Health Education
- Partner Notification
- Testing Fees
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhea test : $45
(per site: oral, rectal, vaginal, or urine) - Hepatitis C: $20
- Rapid HIV: $45
- Take this survey to see if you are eligible for a free HIV/STI home test.
- Regular screenings are important. You can have no symptoms, but be infected with an STD!
healthyyouth/healthservices/ infobriefs/std_testing_ information.htm
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhea test : $45
- Treatment
- Bacterial STDs:
- We are able to treat bacterial STDs (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis) with antibiotic therapy. To avoid spreading infection, patients will still need to avoid all sexual contact until at least 7 days after beginning treatment.
- We recommend that a patient’s sexual partners also be treated for the infection to prevent re-exposure and reinfection. If a patient is treated, but their partner is not treated, the patient is likely to be reinfected.
- For patients who wish to remain anonymous, we offer an anonymous partner notification service to anyone who tests positive for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or HIV.
- Viral STDs:
- Treating viral STDs such as HIV, HPV, herpes, or hepatitis is more challenging and can sometimes require long-term medication management with your regular health care provider.
- Bacterial STDs:
- Partner Notification
- If a patient tests positive for an STD, they may choose to notify their partner(s) directly and refer them to their local health department for low-cost testing and treatment.
- For patients who wish to remain anonymous, they can provide us with contact information for their partner(s) so that we can notify them and encourage them to visit the clinic nearest to them for treatment.
- We take the responsibility of protecting the privacy of our patients very seriously. If we contact the partner(s) of anyone diagnosed with an STD, we are legally and ethically restricted from sharing any information with them about the original patient. Protecting our patient's privacy and providing confidential services is important to us!
Family Planning and Health Services
"We want to help you make healthy choices about your family planning needs"
Central Utah Clinics offer reproductive health and family planning services for women, men and teens. These low cost services are available to patients who do not have health insurance or are under-insured.
What to Expect:
- Confidential Services
- Clients are seen by appointment, although walk-ins are welcome when able to accommodate
- Minors do not need parent/guardian consent for pregnancy testing and counseling or STI testing and treatment
Services for Women
- Counseling and Education
- Birth Control Options - oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices
(IUDs), Depo-Provera injections, Condoms, NuvaRing and patches. - Pregnancy testing and counseling
- Examinations / Screenings - Pelvic/ pap tests as needed.
- STD Screening, prevention education, counseling and treatment
Emergency contraception is not offered on site but rather it is available in multiple options, some with and some without a doctor's prescription, from your local pharmacy. For more information on the types of emergency contraception please visit https://mihp.utah.qov/beforepreqnancy/emerqency-contraception or speak with your healthcare provider.
If you are contemplating an abortion, this module provides information you need to know: If you have questions or for more information regarding abortion please call the Maternal and Infant Health Program at the Utah Department of Health: 801-273-2871.
Services for Men
- Counseling and Education
- Condom supplies and information on correct use
- STD Screening, prevention education, counseling and treatment

Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance
- Reportable Diseases
- Utah Law requires that certain diseases and conditions be reported by healthcare providers in a timely manner.
- Foodborne Illness
- Anyone in the community who suspects they have acquired a foodborne illness can report it on the I Got Sick website.
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Our TB educated nursing staff are available to help guide and educate clinicians when overseeing the care and management of patients being treated for active or latent TB. We offer TB skin testing at all our locations and can help obtain latent TB treatment for patients who are not insured.
The CDC has additional information on TB.
- Our TB educated nursing staff are available to help guide and educate clinicians when overseeing the care and management of patients being treated for active or latent TB. We offer TB skin testing at all our locations and can help obtain latent TB treatment for patients who are not insured.
- Rabies
- If you are concerned about a possible exposure to rabies please call the local health department location nearest you to talk about your unique situation. You may also use this rabies exposure assessment tool to determine your level of risk and see what rabies control measures may be needed.
Children with Special Healthcare Needs

- Support families of children with special health care needs through care coordination.
- Any child 0-18 years is eligible.
- Connect families to primary care, specialized medical care, behavioral health, autism related services, and other social community-based services at no cost.
- Access to Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy Evaluations, and Care Coordination Services.
If you have any questions or think your child may benefit from these services, please fill out the referral form below and return it to Kendra Torgersen, RN at

Utah Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention
The Utah Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program (UBCCP) partners with local health departments, community clinics, hospitals and healthcare professionals to help those with low incomes who do not have adequate insurance gain access to timely breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnostic and treatment services.
The Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program focuses on factors at the interpersonal, organization, community, and policy levels that influence screening.

Services Provided
• Clinical breast exams
• Mammograms
• Pap tests - frequency determined by the provider
• Diagnostic services for abnormal results (breast and cervical) and are offered regardless if screening happened through UBCCP.
Note: Services must be completed within 60 days of clinical appointments/issued voucher.
• Treatment referral to Medicaid or Financial Assistance for breast or cervical cancer and pre-
cancerous conditions based on patient’s qualifying criteria.
For additional information or questions, email or call 435-287-6021.
Find a participating clinic near you!
Coming soon!
Fillmore Clinic
700 UT-99 Suite 3, Fillmore, UT (435) 743-5555
White Sage Family Medicine
130 White Sage Avenue, Delta, UT (435) 864-2708
Intermountain Moroni Clinic
51 Main Street, Moroni, UT (435) 436-5250
Intermountain Mt. Pleasant Clinic
1100 S Medical Drive, Mt Pleasant, UT (435) 462-3471
Mountain Family Medicine
879 N Main Street, Richfield, UT (435) 896-9561
Intermountain Sevier Valley Clinic
1000 N Main Street, Suite A, Richfield, UT (435) 893-0580
Wayne Community Health Center
128 South 300 West, Bicknell, UT (435) 425-3744
Select your family size
Your family can make up to $36,450 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $49,300 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $62,150 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $75,000 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $87,850 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $100,700 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $113,550 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $126,400 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15
Your family can make up to $139,250 to qualify for free screening services.
*This CFHC schedule is based on official poverty levels published in the Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15

Walk-ins Are Welcome!
Think TB!
TB skin tests are placed on Mondays and Tuesdays during regular business hours.
Tests must be read 48 hours to 72 hours later so plan to return to the clinic for the reading on the appropriate day.
For more information regarding Tuberculosis, contact your local CUHD office or visit CDC's TB page or Utah's TB page.
Central Utah Smiles
Free Dental Service Program
Juab • East Millard • West Millard • Piute • North Sanpete • South Sanpete • Sevier • Wayne
The goal of Central Smiles is to increase access to dental health care to uninsured children age 1-18 years of age, by joining with community dentists. In order to increase needed dental services to children, CUPHD works together with eighteen dentists within the six county areas who are committed to providing services at a reduced cost for the underserved children. These dentists have provided the use of their office space and equipment at no cost, and to see uninsured children with these dental vouchers. We will continue to coordinate with these dentists to provide dental preventative and restorative services for an estimated 350 clients every year. Our hopes are to treat the immediate needs and to establish a foundation for better lifelong oral hygiene.
For more info please contact your local office.